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“Satish ‘Batagur’ Bhaskar”

Published in The Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter Written by Rom whitaker, July 2010
Excerpt: “In 1982, Satish left his young wife and three month old daughter, Nyla to maroon himself on Suheli for the whole monsoon, from May to September. It meant making elaborate preparations, like calculating the amount of food he would need. We sat with Satish and talked about things that could go wrong during this isolation – chronic toothache, appen- dicitis, malaria were just a few sobering thoughts. The Coast Guard provided some signal flares and there was talk of a two-way radio but eventually Satish just set sail and that’s the last we heard of him till September.”

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 “The Story of An Unsung Marine Superstar”

Published in The Times of India; February 2016
Excerpt: “A few months later, his wife Brenda back in Madras, received a loving letter from him. He had launched his message in a bottle on July 3rd and 24 days and more than 800 km later it was picked up by a Sri Lankan fisherman, Anthony Damacious, who very kindly posted it to Brenda along with a covering letter, a family picture and an invitation to visit him in Sri Lanka.”

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 “The Story of An Unsung Marine Superstar”

Published in The Times of India, February 2016
Excerpt: “When Satish Bhaskar stayed alone in Suheli, an uninhabited island in Lakshadweep, to conduct a survey on sea turtles back in the 1970s, the only form of communication for him was to throw bottles, with little notes rolled up, into the sea. One such note reached Sri Lankan waters and eventually got to his wife three weeks later.”

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“From Soup to Superstar – The Story of Sea Turtle Conservation Along the Indian Coast”

Published by Mongabay: News and Inspiration from Nature’s Frontline Written by Shreya Dasgupta, May 2016
Excerpt: “Satish is spending 5 months on Suheli [remote islands in the Lakshadweep Archipelago off the southwestern coast of India] on his own and reached the island in early May. His wife has had one letter from him; found in a bottle by a Sri Lanka fisherman who forward- ed it to her. Tracing its course we find that the ‘bottle-letter’ dated 3rd July has travelled a distance of about 500 miles in an estimated interval of 24 days. The letter reached Sri Lanka around 27th July.”

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